Counterfeiters take advantage of global marketplaces such as Taobao to sell replica products of authentic brands. Follow this guide to begin removing fakes and keep your brand protected.
Red Points works closely with online marketplaces such as Tmall, with the goal of keeping the platform free from fake products.
For this reason, we've created this guide to let brands register their intellectual property on Tmall's platform, report fake products they find, and get a better understanding of the IP landscape in China.
IP Law in China
The neet to protect your brand
Taobao's removal tool
What it is and how it works
Documents required
Info required to remove a counterfeit
Necessary steps to remove a counterfeit
From submission to removal
This toolkit is aimed at any business concerned about protecting their intellectual property rights on the Taobao online marketplace.
Any business or individual, large or small, should know how to protect their IP and ultimately their brand.
At Red Points we specialize in intellectual property protection and defend brands online, using a combination of our experienced analysts and our proprietary technology. Our technology is the core of our protection solution, it employs machine learning algorithms that scan the internet and identify all IP infringements. We then validate and remove infringements, all the while reporting the details of each infringement in real time for our clients.
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