Take down fake Facebook accounts

1,300+ brands trust Red Points to recover their digital revenue 

Remove brand abuse, fakes, and impersonation. Don’t let fraudsters threaten your revenue, erode your brand reputation, and confuse your customers.

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See how to protect your brand from scammers in just 15 minutes

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Ji Won Bang — Brand Protection Specialist

Keep your brand safe 24/7 wherever you are:


Remove infringing listings automatically in thousands of marketplaces

Fake Websites & Domains

Uncover sites and domains stealing your traffic and committing fraud under your brand name

Social Media

Discover social media accounts that are taking advantage of your brand reputation


Remove fraudulent apps to protect your digital revenue and customers


Spot unauthorized ads diverting traffic to fraudulent websites

“Since working with Red Points the estimated value of counterfeits we removed is over half a billion USD”

Wei Zhang
Senior Counsel Brand Protection

An adaptive platform to prevent fraud and recover revenue

Flat fee. Unlimited Takedowns

Transparent pricing: flat fee, unlimited detections, and takedowns at scale. No hidden costs or analyst-hour limitations.  

Custom Tech

Prioritize and automate takedowns. Customize for maximum impact.

24/7 Preventive Protection

Contextual insights and risk scores to proactively shield your brand.

Revenue Recovery Program

Zero-cost litigation. Get money back from counterfeiters straight to your bank account, and close seller accounts.

Widest Coverage

Expansive keyword detection, and self-improving image recognition.

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